Monday, March 24, 2008

Donald gets ready for departure

Ok so I figured that I'll be taking lots of pictures while I'm there with my new nifty Canon Rebel XT 8mp DSLR cam with a 28-88mm lens (thanks again Scott for the lens). And since I'm the one taking the pics, I won't be the one in the pictures unless I do the whole tripod and self timer thing, but the effect just won't be the same without 10 or more continuously frustrating tries. I am bringing a tripod though. INSTEAD my friend Donald here will assist me for he is adventurous, daring, and oh so stunningly handsome.

Basically I'm ready to go right now, but i've got another 20 hours to go.
Packing was pretty easy actually, all I did was make 4 different sections, Clothing, Electronics (because I'm a nerd and I have lots of this), Toiletries, and Misc. Then just put 2 check boxes on each item, so I could keep track of how many shirts or pants I was taking and then checked it off once it got in the suitcase.

I've got 2 weeks worth of clothes and 2 luggage and a sweet swiss army backpack my dad is lending me that has like 50 different compartments and things in there. Both luggages are like 45ish lbs, so I think I might knock out some of my shirts cuz I hope I'll have time to go shopping for new threads. Backpack has my ipod, laptop, camera, and my chinese book.

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