Monday, April 28, 2008

Beep Beep

I don't really like cars but this was just something to do on a Sunday afternoon. Brent, Sanghoon, and I went to the last day of the Beijing Auto Show. It was about 30 min by subway and then we still had to take a taxi for another 30-40 min out into the suburbs. Its amazing how China is really responding to the olympics. Brent's parents live about 15 min walking from the exibition, and he said that people came in and tore the entire road apart, added new asphalt and a road divider and put flowers and trees all over. They even redid the electricity and there was an area with a lot of stores along the road and the front of the stores were painted and got new signs up for free just so they wouldn't look so depressing. SO people who have been asking me if people here in Beijing are excited about the Olympics? Its not much of an excitement, its just a matter of getting roads redone, sidewalks paved, and everything else done so it looks good for all the foreigners. I even asked the Taxi driver if they're being taught english and he said "Hallo Sir" "Guud Mowning" and "Sank you bery mush". And he said he was studying really hard because he has to.

Anyways, the car show was fun. I think we needed a mop for Brent or maybe one of those monkey backpacks for kids that has the rope tied to it so they don't get away. There were a couple cool concept cars, like one that Nissan designed that looks absolutely impractical that can drive sidways.

I did see my Evo, so I was happy.

Mercedes and Audi had the largest displays and the Chinese car companies were absolutely laughable because of the designs and some of the cars were complete rip offs from other companies.

I took about 200 pictures, so if you want to see more pics of the show, they're on my Flickr account, oh and I got a haircut too for 50 kuai ^-^

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