Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Useful Tip- Getting to Campus

I'm writing this post for other people's references on one of the ways you can get to campus from the airport.
I arrived to the airport around 6:30 and followed some really useful advice on saving money getting to campus from Aaron.
Once you arrive find a desk that says bus tickets, and ask them for a ticket to Zhong Guan Cun 中关村. The ticket should be about $16 RMB. Then take the escalator down and walk outside and take a left, there should be big green signs that show a simple map of where each bus goes. Find the one that says Zhong Guan Cun 中关村.
Get off at the 3rd or 4th stop, I can't quite remember because I was worried about getting off at the right one myself, but its the 2nd stop after you pass the Olympic Stadium, you should have passed Xue Yuan Lu by a couple blocks so don't worry. Then just hop in a taxi and its about $11 rmb to get to campus. It originally cost me $96rmb to catch a cab from campus to the airport, so I kind of wanted to save some money coming back.

I snapped a quick shot of the stadium, I'll try to go back soon so I can get a better pic.

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