Thursday, April 17, 2008

Watching Life Whizz By

The title really doesn't have anything to do with the post, the pic is just neat...
So tonight I finally got up the courage of doing what I've been wanting to do since I got here. I am so glad I brought my tripod from home otherwise none of this could have been possible.
The day I arrive in Beijing, I saw a timer for the Olympics not too far from BLCU but it was daytime and the pic I took was sort of blurry, and the only way to access a good picture of it would be to get on the freeway ramp and walk about 1/4 mile down with cars 3 ft away from you ready to run you over.
SO I thought it would definitely be a great picture to take at night and I'm glad I did it.

It's not crystal clear because since I took it on a freeway overpass, there were slight vibrations with the cars going by. But still, I'm pretty proud of getting this out of the way on my To-Do list.

Aside from nearly escaping death for your brief enjoyment of neon lights and the knowledge of when the Beijing Olympics will start 2 hours ago, today was pretty interesting in and of itself.

I signed up to a gym close by about 2 weeks ago because the campus gym closed because of the Olympics, I nor anyone else understood that explanation. Today I decided to see what they had for personal trainers. I found out that it was 500 kuai for 5 over 1 hour sessions, so about 80 bucks. Which is honestly not bad considering the trainer I have does not speak an ounce of english, so in a way, I got myself a Chinese tutor/conversation partner and an athletic trainer.
I find that I learn more, the more I put myself in awkward positions. For example, if I were to look for a certain building or go to the travel agency to check out tickets to go to Hong Kong. The difference is that tutors and chinese teachers are taught to speak slowly and clearly, whereas in the real world, that's not exactly the case.

I also found out that a bunch of my family members went to Guangzhou for a business conference for the week. So I'm considering jumping on a plane tomorrow afternoon and spending the week in Guangzhou. I also haven't purchased my plane tickets for my trip to Hong Kong for the end of the month

I just find something deeply disturbing about this pic...

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