Thursday, April 3, 2008

A cornucopia of experiences

sorry I had to use that word haha
I've been pretty busy these past few days, and always being busy usually means being horribly tired afterwards.

First and foremost. BLCU is seriously a fantastic school to not just learn Chinese but understand the culture behind the language. Yeah i know its called Beijing language and culture university for that reason but seriously they know what they're doing here.

All the books are written by professors that have taught here, and they're quite good at teaching different leveled students in one class so its not too fast or too slow. There's free martial arts classes here so I'll have to check that out later. For those who are going to study here, once you get here, go out and look for an electronic dictionary, those are definitely an indispensable resource. Get one that is touchscreen and the one I got was about 2000rmb, which is expensive but it has some really nice features on it. I'm sure you could find it cheaper if you shop around.

On Tuesday night, my cousin took me to a place called Wong fu jing, a place with a ton of street food vendors and you can pick your share of wierd foods. I got stinky tofu which i'll never try again, squid on a stick, and I am so proud but I found takoyaki here in beijing!
I found a random camera shop and walked in and found a uv filter for my camera for less than 10 bucks and I was super excited, but unfortunately I forgot to bargain for it. Once I walked out I realized that on the same street there were about 10 other camera shops just like it and I def could have gotten mine for cheaper but I'll just have to remember next time.

Last night my friend Aaron grabbed me to go to an internet cafe down the street. Its 2rmb per hour there, so like 30 cents an hour? It was crazy the amount of people playing world of warcraft. What game did we play? Starcraft, yah I come all the way to china to play starcraft, but it was fun nonetheless because its such an old game that they dubbed the voices to be in chinese so it was really wierd listening to them because they did not match the character whatsoever. Like zealots had a really high pitched girly voice that would yell, Yeah yeah! every time you clicked on them.

We have today off for tomb sweeping day, so I'll try to take advantage of it and snap some nice pics, but for now I need sleep...

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