Monday, April 7, 2008

China stinks...literally

Now that I've been in China for 2 weeks I am so very thankful for statewide smoking bans back home in Minnesota. Seriously, it seems like people here decide to smoke at the most inconvenient places. Like for instance, I'm waiting to get into the elevator to get to the 7th floor, and someone else is also waiting. The elevator is currently at the 10th floor and takes about 2 minutes to get down to the first because its a stupid slow elevator and the other elevator in the building always seems to be broken. Anyways, what does this person decide to do during their 2 minute wait..."Oh I can wait about 5 minutes to get to my room where I could smoke or walk outside, but I'm really bored so I will light up" GRRR!
Also, when I'm in the bathroom taking a wiz, guys also decide to light up during the 45 seconds it takes to empty their bladder. SO again I have no choice but to either hold my breath or suffer the ill effects of second hand smoke.

I know that picture I posted uptop, really doesn't describe what I'm talking about but I just took it and its pretty ^-^

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