Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Finally a Break!

So starting tomorrow we have from Wednesday to Saturday off and for some reason we have school on Sunday. But my original plan was to get plane tickets to go to HK but the weather looks sort of gloomy for the week there and its going to cost me 2,500 rmb to fly there.

Here in Beijing however its going to be 80f and sunny for the rest of the week and its honestly not like there isn't anything to do here so I figured I could save the money for something else and I could use the extra few days to study.

Today in class I got the crazy notion of going to Shanghai next weekend so I got 3 other classmates to get in on the idea and now we're trying to find train tickets for next Friday and then come back monday morning just in time for class. I did some quick calculations and round trip from Shanghai and back it should be 1000 rmb, hotel for one night 200, food 200, and misc for spending 400. Total is about 1800 and I'm sure I'll have a lot more fun with a group of people rather than myself in Hong Kong.

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